Proposition d'équipements pour un Fab Lab mobile

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General considerations

  • Have all your consumables pre-cut to the appropriate size : 1cm less than the actual bed.
  • Have no boxes of consumables that weight more than +-10 kilos (20-25 pounds)
  • Try to have everything in solid and identified boxes
  • Watch out for heat, our PC crashed quite often when exposed to the sun. Also, if it's windy, 3D prints will fail so you will have to enclose the machine. Gazebo can be great, but dangerous or useless in case of windy days.
  • Build custom road cases all of your machines. With a top. Best road cases will be multipurpose (transform in a table, 3D printer enclosure...)
  • Securing equipment in a vehicle is paramount. Check local et national regulations about transporting equipment.
  • Get advice before crossing the USA border. The US Custom and Border Protection offer information by telephone 1-877-CBP-5511 (877-227-5511). We did not go there for this

So here's the list!

  • Ultimaker 2GO
  • Reprap Prusa MK2
  • Small Form Factor CNC OtterMill Pro Advanced Pack
  • Vinyl CutterRoland Stika SV-12
  • Desktop Laser Cutter Rayjet 50W (and appropriate extractor)
  • PFAFF Creative 2.0 Embroidery / Sewing machine combo
  • Soldering stations, oscilloscope and multi-meters; This Hakko FX88D is well made
  • Some arduinos, lilypads, sensors, actuators, wires and other electronic prototyping accessories.