Adje Prado/en

Ce wiki, réalisé dans le cadre de la tournée pancanadienne Fab Labs Nation en 2017, est présenté à titre d'artefact informationnel. Il ne sera pas mis à jour jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Plus d'infos : //// This wiki, created for the Fab Labs Nation tour in 2017, is presented as an informational artefact. It will not be updated until further notice. More info :
Révision datée du 5 août 2017 à 20:27 par Adrian Prado (discussion | contributions)
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Courriel :

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Localité : Rivière-du-Loup

Province : QC

Code postal : G5R 3V3

Réseaux sociaux :
Facebook : Adje Prado
Instagram : Adje Prado
Twitter : Adje Prado

Page d'utilisateur :
Adrian Prado

Modèle:Interlanguagelink: en

Modèle:Interlanguagelist: Adje Prado


Adrian "Adje" Prado is a traveler that was planning to take a 2 day break in Rivière-du-Loup in November 2016, but somehow ended up staying for almost a year. There are many reasons for this change of plans, but a large part was due to the presence of Fab Lab Fabbulle. Adje discovered Fabbulle through Muséomix-BSL, an international co-creation event that partners creative people and museums in various cities of the world.

Despite his formal education in environmental microbiology, Adje did not wish to pursue this career due to not wanting to be locked into a single subject and his desire to be involved in the community. He was therefore attracted to the multi-disciplinary and community aspects of fabrication laboratories. At the moment, he participates as a member of Fabbulle's committee under the title of Bearded Donatello.

Relation avec Fab Labs Nation



Rôle(s) Organisation Statut
Donatello Barbu / Bearded Donatello Fab Lab Fabbulle Actif

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Rachel Berthiaume : personne d'initiative (1 - À caractériser)
Julien Lamarche : personne d'initiative (1 - À caractériser)
Chloé Legris : personne d'initiative (1 - À caractériser)

Autres notes

Donatello does in fact refer to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.