Attribut: A la description d événement

Ce wiki, réalisé dans le cadre de la tournée pancanadienne Fab Labs Nation en 2017, est présenté à titre d'artefact informationnel. Il ne sera pas mis à jour jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Plus d'infos : //// This wiki, created for the Fab Labs Nation tour in 2017, is presented as an informational artefact. It will not be updated until further notice. More info :
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fln>Liliane Fallon
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Dernière version du 15 mars 2017 à 12:02


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Comment parler de science aux adolescents? Quel espoir pour la science et la communication scientifique à l’ère de Trump? Comment contribuer concrètement à l’encyclopédie collaborative Wikipédia? autant de questions qui seront traitées pendant ces journées.  +
Innovation Insights is a long-standing Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters event series which succeeds in demonstrating innovative technologies and manufacturing processes on-site in a manufacturing facility. Participants and hosts share a common focused goal to achieve increased productivity and profitability for their companies. The tours and sessions provide participants with ideas for improvement and offers learning opportunities with cross-sectorial experts. It is a learning experience for the attendees, with value-add feedback for the host.  +
Wikimania est la conférence annuelle célébrant Wikipédia et ses projets frères; trois jours de conférences, discussions, formations, et ateliers. Des centaines de bénévoles et les sommités de la connaissance libre du monde entier se réunissent pour débattre de solutions, s'informer sur les nouvelles idées et approches, et échanger et mettre en commun leurs idées. Les thèmes de la conférence incluent l'avancement du savoir libre, le rôle des institutions académiques et culturelles au sein du mouvement, la vie privée et les droits humains, et le rôle de la technologie pour faire avancer ces objectifs. Wikimania 2017 portera également un regard plus approfondi sur le rôle du Mouvement au sein de la Francophonie, et une programmation axée sur la promotion du français au sein des projets. Au-delà de l'événement principal, il y a les événements connexes: le Hackathon où la communauté technique entourant les projets Wikimedia s'unissent pour travailler et contribuer, et le Sourcethon où les vétérans et les nouveaux arrivants mettent leurs efforts en commun pour préserver et rendre disponible des documents écrits historiques.  +
Ludique et Unique Le Mini Maker Faire, c’est la journée où les passionnés de fabrication de tout horizon (patenteux, artistes, ingénieurs, clubs de science, entreprises et startup) y présentent leurs créations. Des ateliers, conférences et jeux seront de la partie afin de faire vivre une expérience ludique et unique à toute la famille. Faîtes partie de la fête en rejoignant la communauté mondiale des «Makers» qui se réunit chaque année dans plus de 150 villes autour du globe.  +
Dans le cadre du projet Culture/NumériQc mené par Québec Numérique avec le ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec, le Forum des Innovations culturelles a pour mandat de réunir les travailleurs du domaine culturel et les artistes autour de la question suivante: Comment créer de la valeur dans le secteur culturel ? Nous présenterons des conférences, ainsi que des ateliers de co-design, de partage d’expériences, de pratiques innovantes et éthiques, ayant pour but d’enrichir l’expérience des publics et permettre le développement économique du secteur culturel. Le Forum des Innovations Culturelles s‘inscrit dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre du Plan culturel numérique du Québec.  +
The first annual Makerspaces of Cascadia Unconference will bring together the makerspaces, hackerspaces, fablabs, and tool libraries of the Pacific Northwest region. This weekend event will feature a welcome party, lightning talks, open houses, participant-led discussions, and more! ** Why Attend? ** Connect with Community Leaders - This event will bring together the people who make makerspaces, hackerspaces and tool libraries happen. Create lasting in-person connections that inspire collaboration now and in the future. Share Best Practices - As leaders in the maker community we are shaping a culture that spans multiple disciplines across the globe. How do each of our organizations address the related challenges and opportunities? Share war stories and solutions with people who stand at the forefront of the maker movement. Experience an Unconference - This innovative meeting format inspires a different level of interaction. Recognizing that we are the experts in our space, WE drive the conversation. Never been to an unconference? Learn more about how it works here: ** Call for Speakers ** Speakers at the MCU have an opportunity to highlight their work to leaders in the maker movement. Contact us at to learn more! ** Fees ** The cost of admission for the Unconference is $50 CAD. We have kept the fee low as this event is about coming together, not making money. The fee includes: all activities at the conference welcome social Friday night conference dinner on Saturday night ** Accommodation ** We understand that Vancouver is an expensive city to visit, if you are interested we will be happy to connect you with MakerLabs members who can offer a place to stay over the weekend. Fill out the homestay request when you register. ** Schedule ** Friday, March 31st, 2017: 6-8 pm: Welcome social, meet & greet 8-12pm: MakerLabs Birthday party Saturday, April 1st, 2017: 10am to 5pm: Makerspace Unconference, Day 1 7pm to 9pm: Dinner and pub crawl Sunday, April 2nd, 2017: 10am to 4pm: Makerspace Unconference, Day 2  
Tour Check In FormLocated in Innovation Alley, Exchange District in Winnipeg.North Forge Fabrication Lab (AssentWorks) is Manitoba’s only public fabrication lab! Take a tour and discover how entrepreneurial members are starting businesses. See 3D printing, laser cutting, computer-controlled routing, plasma cutting, vacuum forming, and many other …  +
Enhance your education technology strategies and be inspired to improve your learning outcomes at this annual event As the leading Canadian conference dedicated to education technology, this event provides actionable strategies for developing creative and engaged students and highlights the year’s newest and leading-edge innovations. Take away comprehensive insights into student and faculty engagement, apps, gamification, virtual reality, social media, and more from this event featuring specialized tracks for innovators in K-12 schools, colleges and universities. It’s your obligation to know about the newest and most leading-edge technologies to benefit your students and your institution at this must-attend event! Gather actionable tips around: *Increasing faculty buy-in *Enhancing your school’s reputation *Improving ensuring student privacy *Implementing BYOD and 1:1 programs *Combining pedagogy and technology *Assessing learning outcomes *This is Canada’s biggest Education Technology conference! Register now to ensure you *take the lead to transform student learning.  +
We are excited to be hosting this joint meeting to showcase innovative teaching and undergraduate research. ACURIT and AIBA are complementary in focus: ACURIT is a two-day international conference for students and professors that showcases undergraduate research and teaching strategies. AIBA is a committed group of Alberta biology educators who work together to promote the best educational experience for aspiring biologists. The group meets once a year for a one day conference discussing different aspects of teaching and learning. 2017 will be the 20th annual meeting of AIBA and the 4th for ACURIT. The theme of the 2017 meeting, From Concepts to Skills, considers how we can design engaged educational experiences to promote deep learning and the development of transferable skills. The joint conference will specifically consider how instructors may use content to facilitate the acquisition of skills in students by creating active learning opportunities in our courses. Our keynote speaker is Maryellen Weimer who will be addressing the question What Makes Teaching Learner-Centered?  +
This interdisciplinary conference and its companion collection of journals invites scholars and practitioners to explore the relationship between technological change and society. Opportunity to submit papers for peer review in the indexed journal.  +
Founded in 2006, the e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies Knowledge Community is brought together around a common concern for new technologies in learning and an interest to explore possibilities for innovative pedagogies.  +
iWISE2017 Conference will be held at the River Building – Carleton University, Ottawa, during July 3-5, 2017. The conference is organized by Science Target Inc. in collaboration with professional and academic institutions both are local and international. iWISE2017 will integrate research, technology and expertise in fields of water, informatics, sustainability and environment. This will be complemented through focused themed sessions allowing for a lively exchange of ideas as well as contributions from highly selective keynote speakers from well-known leaders in the field. The year 2017 version of the conference is expected to attract around 100 researchers from around the globe which will be more than double of the previous version. Researchers and participants will be coming from different sorts of backgrounds; academic, research centers, NGOs, and government organizations.  +
“Global Education through technology – Challenges, Issues and trends” EduTeach2017 is the premier forum for the presentation of new trends, advances and research results in the fields of Education, Teaching & Technology.  +
Climate Change Adaptation 2017 is an interactive platform to connect and reconnect colleagues around the world. You can meet participants from 2012, 2013, 2014,2015 and 2016 conferences as well as new participants in this conference. CCA 2017 conference is the premier knowledge building event in Canada. It is your place for building relationships with others who excel in Adaptation strategies. Learn about best practices, and establish network with future collaborators in the Climate Change domain.  +
Invitation pour l'édition précédente : NOUVEAU CAMP TECHNOLOGIQUE : DE JEUNES DOUÉS ONT CONÇU DES IMPRIMANTES 3D; UNE PREMIÈRE AU CANADA! (Montréal, le 25 août 2016) − À l’approche de la rentrée scolaire, une soixantaine de jeunes provenant de quatre écoles primaires et de sept écoles secondaires ont accompli toute une mission: imprimer, dans le laboratoire Fab Lab de l’école Monseigneur-Richard, 28 imprimantes 3D; une première au Canada! Ces appareils seront donnés à des écoles primaires qui découvriront à leur tour cette technologie. La première édition du camp technologique Fab Lab pour les élèves du primaire s’est déroulée du 15 au 19 août et du 22 au 26 août pour les étudiants du secondaire. Pendant ces deux semaines hyper technologiques, les jeunes ont eu l’occasion de mettre à profit leurs connaissances en sciences et en technologies afin de fabriquer de toutes pièces plusieurs objets. Le défi ultime consistait à imprimer 28 imprimantes 3D, ce qu’ils ont réussi à faire grâce à leur passion pour les sciences, leur travail acharné et leur bel esprit d’équipe. « Je suis fière de constater qu’une fois de plus la CSMB fait figure de pionnière en sciences et en technologies en étant la première au Canada à offrir un tel camp en milieu scolaire. Je suis encore plus fascinée de voir comment les jeunes intègrent aussi bien la technologie à leurs activités pédagogiques, et surtout, à quel point ils sont fiers de leurs réalisations. Les Fab Lab constituent le parfait exemple de l’intégration des technologies à l’école du XXIe siècle », a affirmé Diane Lamarche-Venne, présidente de la CSMB. À PROPOS DES FAB LAB La CSMB a été la première organisation au Canada à déployer le Fab Lab dans le milieu de l’éducation primaire et secondaire. Le Fab Lab est un laboratoire de fabrication scientifique qui promeut la science et stimule l’intérêt des élèves pour les nouvelles technologies. Concrètement, il est constitué de près d’une vingtaine de machines-outils programmables qui permettent de fabriquer une multitude d’objets : pièces de jeux mathématiques, figurines de contes, artéfacts historiques, reproductions architecturales. Les Fab Lab CSMB sont présents dans sept écoles secondaires de la CSMB, ce qui confirme son statut de commission scolaire à l’avant-garde des nouvelles technologies. - 30 - Source : Gina Guillemette, conseillère en relations de presse 514 855-4500, poste 4817  
Maker Festival is a celebration of Toronto's vibrant technology and maker community. We bring together Toronto’s most creative people and projects, in order to inspire openness to possibilities, a sense of active participation in shaping our world, and a yearning for a more wonderfilled tomorrow.  +
What is School Maker Faire? It is a school age gathering of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, authors, artists, and students. All of these “makers” come to School Maker Faire to show what they have made, or are making, and share what they have learned. It’s a chance for students to show others an area they are really interested in. It can be anything from art to robots, exploding volcanoes to doll dresses. If you can make it with your hands and it’s something original, then it fits in School Maker Faire.  +
Join more than 150 artists, tinkerers, performers, inventors, crafters, and other Makers for a weekend of crafting, learning, and exploring! The Vancouver Mini Maker Faire brings together Makers, performers, workshop leaders, and speakers from across a wide range of disciplines for two days of exhibiting projects, building community, and sharing knowledge and inspiration. The community-driven festival showcases the amazing works of all kinds of Makers -anyone who is embracing the do-it-yourself (or do-it-together!) spirit and wants to share their accomplishments with an appreciative audience. Make sure you leave time in your schedule to take part in our hands-on activities, including T-Shirt Modification, Air Rocket Launching, and a Paint Party!  +
Maker Expo is a diverse family-friendly showcase of makers, artists & organizations who create amazing things in celebration of the do-it-yourself spirit. Our exhibitors are individuals, groups, teams and organizations sharing their ideas and creations through interactive exhibits, demos and workshops. Our three tenets are inclusivity, diversity and interactivity. We want to have something for everyone to check out – young and old, from a wide range of disciplines and walks of life.  +
TECHSPO Toronto 2017 is a 2-day technology expo which takes place May 18 – 19, 2017 at the luxurious Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre Hotel in Toronto, Ontario. TECHSPO Toronto brings together developers, brands, marketers, technology providers, designers, innovators and evangelists looking to set the pace in our advanced world of technology. TECHSPO Toronto 2017 promises to be better than ever and we’re excited to see all the amazing tech companies and talent that will join us. As part of TECHSPO Toronto is a limited attendance event, DIGIMARCON CANADA 2017 Digital Marketing Conference. If the conference is where the learning, theory and inspiration happens, then the TECHSPO floor is where the testing, networking and product interaction takes place. The TECHSPO floor is free to attend (for a limited time). Register today!  +