Marc-Olivier Ducharme

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Mail :

Phone number : 819-434-5130

Locality : Sherbrooke

Province : QC

Postal code : J0B3A0

Social networks :
Facebook : Marc-Olivier Ducharme

User page :
Marc-Olivier Ducharme

Modèle:Interlanguagelink: fr

Modèle:Interlanguagelist: Marc-Olivier Ducharme


I've been working toward establishing Fab Labs in Canada since 2011. Since then I acted as a Fab Manager at échoFab, and Fab Lab Museum J.A. Bombardier. I also acted as a consultant and public speaker on the topic. I travelled 9 countries to look at different labs and maker spaces models in order to create a benchmark and inspire my visions. I now travel with the Fab Labs Nation Caravan outreaching and creating a network of inspired people and organizations.

Relation with Fab Labs Nation



Role(s) Organisation Status
FabManager Fab Lab au Musée de l'ingéniosité J. Armand Bombardier (Valcourt) Actif
FabManager ÉchoFab Inactif
Consultant GSM Projct Inactif
Résident en co-création Fab Labs Nation Actif

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