
Ce wiki, réalisé dans le cadre de la tournée pancanadienne Fab Labs Nation en 2017, est présenté à titre d'artefact informationnel. Il ne sera pas mis à jour jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Plus d'infos : //// This wiki, created for the Fab Labs Nation tour in 2017, is presented as an informational artefact. It will not be updated until further notice. More info :
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Person page

The People pages identify all the people that we would like to store information about, without requiring that they have an account in the wiki. As such, you can find information on how to contact them and what roles they might play in the wiki's domain. Its worth noting that users should also have a Person page as its information is complementary to that found in a User page (rather than redundant). To learn about ourselves and the other people invested in our projects, we might already have created your page. You can find a list of the people we've listed in the wiki by looking at the People page. If you're already there, we invite you to update an complete your info.